Centennial Play Writing Contest Rules
Who can enter:
What are the parametres for the entries:
[email protected]
- Open to all Saskatchewanians
What are the parametres for the entries:
- a brand new, never produced play
- performance length is between 15 to 30 minutes
- maximum five characters
- family appropriate (no inappropriate language or situations)
- minimal set
- comedy play
- Contest opens November 1, 2024 and closes November 1, 2025.
- The winning entry prize: $500. Please note: the winning entry will be produced for the RLT celebrations on May 9, 2026 and this prize fee includes our payment of performance royalties.
- The winning entry will be workshopped before casting and rehearsals.
- Entries must not contain any identifying information as to who wrote the piece. A cover sheet with contact details must be included with every entry but not attached to the play.
- Please include your connection to Saskatchewan on your cover sheet.
- All entries are being adjudicated by a trio of Saskatchewan community arts veterans. Their names will not be released until after the competition to avoid lobbying or bullying.
[email protected]