Dear Friends and Fans of Regina Little Theatre:
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. If you are one of the thousands of essential workers putting yourself at risk for the rest of us, thank you. If you are simply doing your part to fight this pandemic and following the rules as they come, thank you for that as well. Most of all, thank you for supporting RLT by purchasing season subscriptions. You and fans like you are the lifeblood of Regina Little Theatre. We are deeply grateful for your dedication to us. We are proud to have had supporters like you during our 95 years. We want you to know we are committed to you and to the future of RLT. Right now, like you, we’re trying to cope with the fact that Covid-19 has literally created a world of uncertainty. Regrettably, we must announce the cancellation of the June performance of the play Helium. Currently, if and when we can resume presenting our performances is uncertain at this time. You’ve already helped us by investing in a season subscription. Your support, patience and understanding through this challenging time will help us even more. We can’t thank you enough. Would you consider further supporting RLT by agreeing to donate the value of your unredeemed tickets for the 2019/2020 season? At your request, an income tax receipt would be issued. This would assist us greatly in meeting our ongoing expenses. We are following the news, listening to public health experts, and monitoring the latest from our political leaders, for signs that life will start to return to normal and, when and if the time is right, we can safely get back to the theatre and back to gathering together. Like you, we’re doing all we can to weather this storm. We’re optimistic and we’re looking forward. We remain hopeful we’ll have a great 95th season in 2020 / 2021. But this pandemic is forcing us to also consider all the other possibilities, including the ones we hate to consider, such as fewer plays if that is what we have to do to help keep Canada safe and healthy. We wish we could return your loyalty by telling you how all of this will turn out, when our plays will be performed and exactly what our season will look like. Unfortunately, all we can do right now is be as transparent as possible, to tell you we are working through all the possibilities, and to be as deeply grateful to you as you clearly deserve. Whatever you are going through, at work or home or in your family, we want you to know we consider you an important part of our RLT family. If you have lost a loved one, or you are coping with the effect this virus can have on anyone’s physical, mental or financial health, please know we are thinking of you. I know we’re going to get through this together. And when we do, it’s going to be a great day for Canada. We’ll celebrate with live theatre, friendship and our resilience. And more than anything else, when we see you again at the theatre, we’re going to celebrate you. Thank you so very much, Faye Daborn, President Comments are closed.
April 2021
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